Naming Ceremony

Our naming ceremonies speak of love, family and the child. A naming ceremony is not just for babies; children of any age can have a naming ceremony. One of our experienced celebrants will be pleased to perform your ceremony for your child. All of our celebrants are highly trained and qualified; they all share the goal of providing you with a memorable ceremony and special day.

Most naming ceremonies are held in homes or another suitable venue like a hotel or reception facility. Some families even hold the ceremony in a park or other natural setting. The ceremony can be held at a location and time convenient to all concerned.

As well as your newborn, you may wish to include older children in the ceremony. It is the perfect opportunity to declare your promises to your child before family and friends. It's also the perfect opportunity to involve relatives, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles and maybe other adult friends. This allows them to confirm their special relationship with your child and share their promises in front of you and the guests.

Note to Parents

  • Below is a sample ceremony. Please feel free to add other material from our website and other sources. We offer editorial control over the ceremony, as part of our full package.
  • If you do make changes to the ceremony, we ask that the you send the final draft of your ceremony to your celebrant at least two weeks prior to the ceremony date. Please note that our officiants do not make changes to the ceremony.
  • You may wish to have ambient music playing in the background or have a friend play a solo. You can have a designated camera person. Feel free to involve others in the ceremony as readers.
  • Your do not require witnesses, sponsors or godparents for the ceremony but they are a nice touch.

Welcoming Words

Welcome to each one of you. My name is [Child’s Name] and on behalf of [Parent1] and [Parent2], I want to say how pleased they are that you are here to share in this special moment.

We are here today because [Parent1] and [Parent2] want to express their joy in the birth of [Child’s Name]. They want to officially welcome [Child’s Name] into their family unit, and to the wider family of relatives and friends.

They would like each of you to share their joy on this happy occasion, and they also look forward to your continuing friendship, interest and involvement in the years ahead.

A child brings its own unique personality, and adds new dimension to the family unit. [Parent1] and [Parent2] will always find something new to laugh at or admire.

They are also aware of the great responsibility that is now theirs. A great deal of their lives will be involved in caring for their child and guiding [Child’s Name] through the many trails of life.


As you all know, [Child’s Name] cannot speak for him/herself yet, so I'll say a few words on his/her behalf by reading a poem:
Through Baby's Eyes
I didn't expect a brass band, with welcome mat unfurled.
To be on hand when I arrived, in this confusing world.
At first I wasn't quite prepared for this enormous place,
nor for the funny characters, that I would have to face.
But I soon learned to get my way, by looking sweet and shy.
And when I wanted to be held, to make a fuss and cry.
I've found it really doesn't take much difficulty or guile,
to wrap them around my finger,
All I need to do - is smile.

The Naming

Names are an important part of everyone's life, and names are what give each and every one of us individuality.

[Parent1] and [Parent2], what name have you chosen for your child?

Parents: We have chosen the name [Child’s Name]

(Looking and speaking to child) [Child’s Name], your name was chosen with great care, and it was chosen just for you.

We all hope that you will inherit the best traits of both your parents and our wish for you this day that you will grow into a caring person who is healthy and happy, and with wisdom to help you all through life.

Now some questions for the parents

[Parent1] and [Parent2] will you, as parents, care for [Child’s Name], keep him/her clothed, sheltered and protected, for as long as he/she needs you, as best you can? 
"We will."

Will you comfort him/her when he/she is distressed, laugh with him/her when he/she's happy?
"We will."

Will you as parents try in every way possible to raise [Child’s Name] in such a way that he/she will feel loved and secure? 
"We will."

Now a question for the witnesses (or godparents, if you are involving them):

Will you, the witnesses (or godparents) do everything in your power to encourage and support [Parent1] and [Parent2] in their awesome role of parents?
“Yes, we will.”

The Naming

[Child’s Name] this is the wonderful time you receive your new name which has been so carefully chosen for you by those who love you more than you can ever imagine.

Now I name you [Child’s Name].

Return child to parents

[Child’s Name], today we officially welcome you. We wish you long life and much happiness.
May you face all challenges that come to you as a person of integrity,
May you continue to bring great joy to your parents, your grandparents, family, friends, and to all those who come to know you.
May beauty delight you and happiness uplift you,
May wonder fulfill you and love surround you.
May your step be steady and your arm be strong,
May your heart be peaceful and your word be true.
May you seek to learn, may you learn to live.
May you live to love, and may you love - always.

We wish you long life and much happiness.
May you face all challenges that come to you as a person of integrity,
May you bring great joy to your parents.
and may your life be a real blessing to the world.

Presenting of the certificate.

As we close this ceremony, I now want to present the parents with this certificate.

On behalf of [Parent1] and [Parent2], and [Child’s Name], I would like to thank you all for sharing in this ceremony today.

Baptism Stories

Thank you so much for the lovely Baptism ceremony for Liam ...we were so pleased and one of our guests actually called us that night to tell us that it was the most beautiful baptism he had EVER attended...I'm so was perfect, the program, the music, the setting, the pace, the length of the ceremony...everything!!!


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