Baptism Officiants in Orleans, ON
Carol Cousineau
Carol, who lives in Orleans, is a kind and caring person with a long experience conducting wedding ceremonies. She likes to golf, garden, read and is an active bowler. She is a fantastic person who will take her role in your Baptism ceremony very seriously. Carol is the kind of professional who loves to spend time with couples to see that their ceremony is all they want it to be. She will conduct your personalized Baptism ceremony the way you want it celebrated and create a warm and welcoming ambiance for all concerned.
Diane Paquette
You will appreciate having Diane perform your child’s baptism or naming ceremony. She is a sympathetic and joyful people person. Diane has lived in eastern Ontario for over 40 years, has devoted her life to her marriage, her two grown children and her teaching career. She is fluently bilingual. Her background in social work and as a guidance counsellor have prepared her well to offer ceremonies according to the couple's wishes. She is at ease with various situations and will assure you a memorable day.
Diane saura vous offrir un baptême mémorable. Elle est très sympathique et possède beaucoup d'entregent ainsi que des qualités interpersonnelles. Elle a dévoué sa vie à son couple, à sa famille et à sa carrière d’enseignante. Sa formation de travailleuse sociale et de conseillère en orientation lui permettront de vous offrir une célébration des plus spéciales et qui saura répondre à vos souhaits.
Kelly Keating
Originally from Newfoundland, Kelly moved to Ottawa to pursue her university education. She is a certified counsellor with a Masters in Counselling. She is a friendly, warm, outgoing and highly professional individual. She has a zest for life and finds great satisfaction in bearing witness to those special moments that are created in celebrating love and happiness. Kelly is available to perform your upcoming naming or baptism ceremony with care, concern and attention to detail. Kelly will perform your ceremony according to your expectations. She looks forward to making your day special and unique.
Jean Duval
Jean is a true people person. With him, it will feel like the Baptism or Naming ceremony for your new family member is performed by a long-time family friend! Fluently bilingual in French and English and a resident of Gatineau, this experienced Designated Minister is at his best speaking before a crowd, big or small. He will work with you and your family to give your own personal touches to your ceremony. Jean enjoys seeing the faces of the family as their child, teen or adult is welcomed, and he will always give the best of himself to the family he serves.
Jean est super sociable. Avec lui, vous aurez l’impression qu’un ami de la famille célèbre le baptême ou la cérémonie d’attribution de nom du nouveau membre de votre famille. Résident de Gatineau complètement bilingue en anglais et en français, ce Ministre désigné d’expérience est à son meilleur quand il parle devant un groupe, petit ou grand. Il travaillera avec vous et votre famille pour que la cérémonie soit à votre image. Jean ne se lasse jamais du regard fier et bienveillant des membres de la famille qui accueillent un enfant, un adolescent ou un adulte et il donne le meilleur de lui-même aux familles qu’il accompagne.
Ginette Corbeil
Ginette Corbeil specializes in milestone ceremonies that honor life’s most significant moments and journeys. Renowned for her steadfast commitment to community service and inclusivity, Ginette brings a blend of compassion and expertise to every celebration she leads. A proud resident of Hammond, Ginette has been dedicated to serving the Prescott-Russell region since 2003 in her role as Social Inclusion Advisor, offering unwavering support to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. She is also a passionate educator in the Social Service Worker program at Collège La Cité, where she inspires and mentors future social workers through her extensive knowledge, compassion, and practical experience. Fully bilingual in both English and French, Ginette is highly regarded for her professionalism, integrity, and her ability to design ceremonies that are personal, inclusive, and profoundly meaningful. Outside of her professional pursuits, she is an artist, a volleyball enthusiast, a devoted wife, a loving mother, and a proud grandmother of three. She also treasures quiet moments with her beloved dog, Méo. Ginette would be honored to discuss your upcoming wedding and assist in crafting a ceremony that thoughtfully reflects your unique love story.
Ginette Corbeil se spécialise dans la célébration de cérémonies marquantes, soulignant avec sensibilité et respect les moments importants de la vie. Reconnue pour son engagement profond envers le service communautaire et l’inclusion, elle met son expertise et son dévouement au service de chaque couple afin d’offrir une cérémonie authentique et mémorable. Résidente de Hammond, Ginette œuvre auprès de la population de Prescott-Russell depuis 2003 à titre de conseillère en inclusion sociale, accompagnant avec bienveillance les personnes vivant avec une déficience intellectuelle et leurs familles. Elle partage également son savoir-faire et sa passion en tant qu’enseignante au sein du programme de Travail social du Collège La Cité, où elle forme et inspire la relève du domaine social. Parfaitement bilingue en français et en anglais, Ginette est reconnue pour son professionnalisme, son intégrité et sa capacité à concevoir des cérémonies raffinées et empreintes de sens, toujours adaptées à l’histoire et aux valeurs de ceux qu’elle accompagne. Artiste dans l’âme, passionnée de volleyball, épouse attentionnée, mère dévouée et grand-mère comblée de trois petits-enfants, Ginette apprécie également les instants de tranquillité aux côtés de son chien Méo. C’est avec grand plaisir qu’elle se tient à votre disposition pour échanger avec vous au sujet de votre mariage et vous accompagner dans la création d’une cérémonie qui saura refléter toute la beauté de votre engagement.
Baptism Stories
Not being of a religious background, we were not sure how to welcome our son Liam into the spiritual world. Your ceremony and readings fit our family perfectly. The memories will live in our hearts forever. The naming ceremony helped to solidify the amazing extended family our son Liam has. We were very lucky to have found your service. Many thanks for making Liam's day so special.Iggy Greenwoos& Liam Scott
Liam-Scot Iggy Greenwood