Baptism Officiants in Woodbridge, ON
Joe Bartello
Joe, a Brampton native, brings a wealth of life experience, as a husband, father and grandfather to his role as a Baptism celebrant. He balanced his work as a businessman and entrepreneur with a mid-career, three-year hiatus as a professional actor. He currently provides consulting and management services to hospitals and health-related institutions across Canada. As a long-term practitioner of Transcendental Meditation, Joe recognizes the thread that links all living beings. Joe would be honoured to officiate at your special family ceremony .
Robb McDonald
Robb was recently voted the prestigious Wedding Industry Expert's award contest as the 'Best Ceremony Celebrant' in Toronto and across Canada. Robb, an Etobicoke resident, has a high regard for others and their feelings. His engaging personality and amazing sense of humour enables people - including strangers - to feel very welcome and comfortable when working with him. Through his empathy, dedication to detail and persuasive leadership, he will make the planning and execution of your naming ceremony or your Baptism ceremony a real pleasure. His strong spirituality, combined with a great attention to detail, make him a most sought-after celebrant. His compassionate and non-judgmental approach and unique outlook on life and love will ensure that he will help create a wonderful welcoming ceremony for parents to remember forever. Robb is fluently bilingual in English and French. Spend a few moments talking with Robb and see for yourself.
Robb a reçu récemment un prestigieux prix des Experts du secteur des mariages en tant que « Meilleur célébrant de cérémonie » à Toronto et au Canada. Robb, un résident d’Etobicoke, a un grand respect des autres et de leurs sentiments. Sa personnalité attachante et son grand sens de l’humour font que les gens – y compris les étrangers – se sentent bien et sont à l’aise de travailler avec lui. Grâce à son empathie, à son engagement envers les détails et à son leadership convainquant, ce sera un plaisir pour vous de planifier et de réaliser votre cérémonie d’attribution de nom ou votre cérémonie de baptême. Sa forte spiritualité, qui va de pair avec un grand souci du détail, fait de lui un célébrant fort recherché. Son approche compatissante et neutre, combinée à une perspective de vie et d’amour unique, contribuera à la réalisation d’une cérémonie merveilleuse d’accueil pour des parents qui s’en souviendront longtemps. Robb maîtrise à la fois le français et l’anglais. Prenez le temps de parler à Robb et de la constater par vous-même.
Baptism Stories
The welcoming ceremony had a personal quality, with the beautiful poem and readings, that made it special for us as parents. The extra TLC you added to the ceremony made it extra special. You were warm and friendly, organized and thoughtful and we would have you back anytime! Thanks again for a wonderful memory!