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Janelle Shortt

Janelle Shortt

I’m a friendly, caring, high-energy individual with a terrific sense of humour, a mother and a Grandma. Married to my husband and long-time partner for many years, we have a son and two beautiful granddaughters. Living just outside of Owen Sound on the beautiful shores of Georgian Bay with our only 'baby' still left at home, Sassy, an 80-pound Doberman who thinks she is a lapdog. In my spare time, I sing bass with a woman’s barbershop chorus for 20 years and am also part of a quartet with the same group. Music has always been a large part of my life and it isn’t unusual to hear me singing away. I have a passion for sewing, gardening, stained glass creations, decorating and most of all being Grandma. I am an Appointed Designated Minister with Clergy Support Church and I would love to have the opportunity to officiate at your custom Baptism or Naming ceremony for your child. I can help make this special family event a truly exceptional and memorable experience.

Areas Served

Durham, Owen Sound, Meaford, Sauble Beach, Port Elgin, Southampton, Thornbury, Wiarton, Walters Falls

Baptism Stories

Not being of a religious background, we were not sure how to welcome our son Liam into the spiritual world. Your ceremony and readings fit our family perfectly. The memories will live in our hearts forever. The naming ceremony helped to solidify the amazing extended family our son Liam has. We were very lucky to have found your service. Many thanks for making Liam's day so special.Iggy Greenwoos& Liam Scott

Liam-Scot Iggy Greenwood

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