Joan Weir

I have an endless curiosity and sense of wonder for the mystery and magic of the human spirit. I live in the Algonquin Highlands (Bancroft, Haliburton and District).It has become a passion of mine to discover how to honour the uniqueness of each of us in ceremonies of all kinds. I am thrilled to help create and participate with anyone marking special occasions with personal expressions of ritual and ceremony. Baptism are a specialty. I continually learn from teachers and mentors from many traditions as well as the daily discoveries and surprises from the the earth. I live, play, work and grow spiritually from life so close to the natural world.
Areas Served
Haliburton, Dorset, Halls Lake, Buttermilk Falls, West Guilford, Kennesis Lake area, Baysville
Baptism Stories
Not being of a religious background, we were not sure how to welcome our son Liam into the spiritual world. Your ceremony and readings fit our family perfectly. The memories will live in our hearts forever. The naming ceremony helped to solidify the amazing extended family our son Liam has. We were very lucky to have found your service. Many thanks for making Liam's day so special.Iggy Greenwoos& Liam Scott
Liam-Scot Iggy Greenwood