Baptism Officiants in Pontiac, QC
Jean Duval
Jean is a true people person. With him, it will feel like the Baptism or Naming ceremony for your new family member is performed by a long-time family friend! Fluently bilingual in French and English and a resident of Gatineau, this experienced Designated Minister is at his best speaking before a crowd, big or small. He will work with you and your family to give your own personal touches to your ceremony. Jean enjoys seeing the faces of the family as their child, teen or adult is welcomed, and he will always give the best of himself to the family he serves.
Jean est super sociable. Avec lui, vous aurez l’impression qu’un ami de la famille célèbre le baptême ou la cérémonie d’attribution de nom du nouveau membre de votre famille. Résident de Gatineau complètement bilingue en anglais et en français, ce Ministre désigné d’expérience est à son meilleur quand il parle devant un groupe, petit ou grand. Il travaillera avec vous et votre famille pour que la cérémonie soit à votre image. Jean ne se lasse jamais du regard fier et bienveillant des membres de la famille qui accueillent un enfant, un adolescent ou un adulte et il donne le meilleur de lui-même aux familles qu’il accompagne.
Baptism Stories
Thank you so much for the lovely Baptism ceremony for Liam ...we were so pleased and one of our guests actually called us that night to tell us that it was the most beautiful baptism he had EVER attended...I'm so was perfect, the program, the music, the setting, the pace, the length of the ceremony...everything!!!